7/10/18 – 8/12/2018
Self-care Summer
1. Call or order online from a local, independent seller of self-care products in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, partial list available at bond2018.com
2. Order any product
3. Make sure you say when placing the Order that you are “buying Maine to support Tiffany Bond for Congress”
4. Instagram, Facebook or Tweet your purchase with: #buyMaine4Bond
5. Enjoy!
Suppliers in Maine’s Second Congressional District:
- Maine Mountain, 207.695.3926, http://www.mainemountain.com/
- Soul Shine Soap, 207.557.2346, https://www.soulshinesoapcompany.com/
The preceding information is provided without endorsement to or from the businesses. Tiffany has no business relationship with any of these sellers.
Missing anyone? Contact us.