Get Involved

This campaign is about doing things a bit differently. Join a movement. Get money out of elections. Let’s change how we do politics. Together we can make politics the way they should be.

  1. Write Postcards
    You provide a few postcards, stamps, and minutes writing out cards – the campaign provides instructions and addresses. Send a message to the campaign to get started.
  2. Put Up a Sign
    Download a window sign, or even better, make your own! Post a photo of the sign on social media and tag it to the campaign using @tiffanybond and #bond4me or send it to the campaign here. Decorate it. Include yourself, your family, your pets, the view from your kitchen window – make it meaningful, fun and individual.
    Downloads below:

    1. Downloads available soon
  3. Download a Flyer
    Flyers available soon. Download, then e-mail, print, share with friends and neighbors.
  4. Share
    Talk about keeping money out of politics, changing the way we make laws, changing the way we pick who writes our laws, and tell three friends about this campaign. Follow Tiffany on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  5. Learn
    It can be so overwhelming to figure out every issue that could impact you being handled at a state or federal office. Pick a few reputable sources to dedicate 10 minutes to each morning so you have an idea of what your government is and isn’t doing for you.
  6. Give Feedback
    What is missing? What issues do you want addressed? Let’s talk!
  7. Volunteer
    The word gets out with you. Contact us to see what is needed…or become a #5MinuteVolunteer! Take 5 minutes per week to:

    • If you see something on social media, say something! See someone talking about the Maine State House race for District 73, money in politics, or anything else you think is a great fit for the campaign? Reply, interact, and suggest following the campaign.
    • Share, like, and comment on campaign social media posts.
    • Create your own posts/tweets with what you like about the campaign
  8. Vote
    Every vote, every voice counts. Get registered to vote, help others get registered, and vote.
  9. #MaineRaising
    Contribute by shopping or donating to worthy causes.
  10. Show your receipts!
    If this campaign has inspired you to spend in the district, post it to facebook, twitter or instagram using #MaineRaising. Post your purchases, photos of dining out and/or your receipts, tag the campaign and the business too!
    (if you post a receipt, please blur any information associated with payment)
  11. Have fun!
    If there is one thing 2024 needs, it’s enjoyment. Have fun, do good, make friends – use the campaign to find your center and connect with your community.

Volunteer With Tiffany Bond